How does it work?
Craniosacral Therapy has been developed from a number of discoveries about the body's subtle physiology. These were made by Osteopaths in America, in the early part of the 20th century.
They found that the inherent health of our body expresses itself in various types of subtle motion throughout the body, collectively these dynamics are called 'Craniosacral motion'.
Throughout our life we experience physical knocks and periods of emotional and psychological stress.
In response to this our body's tissues contract, these contractions can become held, often without us even knowing it. These restrictions will lead physiological and psycho-emotional functions to become compromised, resulting in pain, disease, and changes in our mood & energy levels.
Craniosacral therapists are trained to feel the subtle forces at work in the body. By enhancing the inherent health in the system and supporting any problem areas there is the opportunity for restricted areas to release and return to optimum functioning. This often happens at a deep unconcious level, but it is similar to more conscious decisions we make, for example if you looked in a mirror and saw you were frowning, you may well choose to relax this expression.