CST for babies
Craniosacral Therapy can gently resolve many infant difficulties, such as colic, sleep problems and distressed crying. It also helps your baby to thrive and express it’s full potential in the future, and allows for a more relaxed family dynamic.
Treatment can take place while your baby plays, sleeps or feeds. Here is what some Mums thought about their child's experience of Craniosacral treatment with me:
“My son David was extremely fractious, and my NCT tutor suggested Craniosaral Therapy. I noticed a marked change in David from the first session. Now at 5 months he sleeps from 7-7. He is happy & contented and a joy to parent.”
Adrienne Forsyth
“When we took Thomas to see Ewan we were getting no sleep, now he sleeps all night, goes down easily, and loves his food. People always notice what a contented wee thing he is. We think it’s the best thing we could have done.”
Sally Borley
“My health visitor recommended Ewan to me after my son Conrad and I had struggled through weeks of colic. Once we started treatment, Conrad became a happy baby enjoying life. Thank you Ewan"
Lydia Cargill